What are Angel Numbers?
Angel numbers are numbers or sequences of numbers that are said to be a sign from your angels. Call them loved ones that have passed or the universe’s energy. So, if you’re noticing that you keep seeing iterations of 1212 or 444, whether you’re looking at the time or date, license plate numbers, or the total of your bill, your angels might be trying to communicate with you.
While angel numbers are typically thought to be triple- or quadruple-digit numbers, like 777 or 1717, the individual numbers within them also come with their own meanings, which are then amplified by repetition or sequence.
Angel numbers should not be confused with life path numbers and numerology that are linked to your birth information. Unlike zodiac signs and your life path number in numerology, angel numbers aren’t determined by your date, time, or location of birth.
They are simply angels watching over you and guiding your path.
Why is a mom travel blogger writing about angel numbers?
Read my story with Angel Numbers
at the bottom of the article
What is my Angel Number?
Angel numbers, unlike life path numbers and zodic meanings, cannot be calculated and are not bound to your time, date and place of birth.
Angel numbers begin to appear when angels are communicating with you.
These numbers, or messages more like it, will only appear when you need them.
It’s not up to you to find your angel number. Your angels will know when you’re ready for your message.
If you are repeatedly seeing the same number over and over again you angels might be trying to communicate a message to you. Find your number on the list and discover its meaning.
Angel Number Meaning Chart & Cheat Sheet
Sometimes angel number and their meanings can feel a bit overwhelming. That’s why I created this Angel Number Meaning Chart & Cheat Sheet for you.
Have a look and keep it close for when you need a reminder.
What to do when you see your Angel Number?
When you’ve discovered your angel number as it keeps appearing to you repeatedly you’ll want to take a minute and ask yourself; what are my angels trying to tell me?
I created a 7 Step List for you to follow if you are unsure as to what to do.
- Write down your number
- Identify the single digit numbers. For example if your number is 888 the basic angel number is 8 and if your number is 1818 your basic numbers are 1 and 8
- List the things you are going through or experiencing in your life at this time. Examples:
- You may be experiencing doubts about your partner, in life or in business
- You might be feeling lost or overwhelmed by options
- You may have a gut feeling that doesn’t match you logical way of thinking
- You might be feeling stuck in a current situation
- Find the meaning of your basic angel number/s. You can use my list of angel numbers below.
- Find the meaning of your complete angel number. I have an extensive list of angel numbers below.
- Write down the meanings of your angel number. I like to jot down bullet points for myself.
- Connect what’s happening in your life to the meaning of your angel number.
Angel Number List & Meanings
Angel numbers are an angel’s method to convey a message to whoever sees the number repeatedly. I’ve compiled a list of the most common angel numbers, starting with single digit numbers that are the foundation of angel numbers and their meanings. Once presented repeating or as a combination of numbers their meaning is amplified.
That’s why I am starting with the basics and the meaning of the single digit angel numbers.
The Meaning of Single Angel Numbers
According to numerologists numbers carry meaning beyond their sums. Angel numbers provide individuals with a meaningful message for a given period in their life. The numbers 0-9 are the foundation of all angel numbers.
Let’s begin with the foundation and the meaning of angel numbers 0-9.
2 Angel Number – Unity & Coexistence
3 Angel Number – Self Confidence
6 Angel Number – Spirituality & Compassion
7 Angel Number – Luck
8 Angel Number – Abundance
9 Angel Number – Release
0 Angel Number – Upcoming Shifts
List of Repeating Triple Digit Angel Numbers
When angel numbers are seen in series their meaning is amplified.
Here’s a list of the most commonly seen angel numbers. These numbers come in groups of three. Three is a divine spiritual number and is often associated with time – past, present, future; birth, life, death; beginning, middle, end. Therefore the number three is considered the number of harmony, wisdom and understanding. All elements that are highly connected with the spirituality of angel numbers.
666 Angel Number
777 Angel Number
888 Angel Number
999 Angel Number
000 Angel Number
List of Repeating Quadruple Digit Angel Numbers
When angel numbers are seen in series their meaning is amplified
1111 Angel Number
2222 Angel Number
3333 Angel Number
4444 Angel Number
5555 Angel Number
6666 Angel Number
7777 Angel Number
8888 Angel Number
9999 Angel Number
0000 Angel Number
List of Quadruple Digit Angel Number Combination
When different angel numbers stand together their meaning is drawn from the individual numbers in the sequence.
Here’s a list of some common four digit angel number combinations.
1212 Angel Number
1144 Angel Number
1001 Angel Number
1011 Angel Number
1033 Angel Number
1044 Angel Number
1101 Angel Number
1110 Angel Number
1122 Angel Number
1133 Angel Number
1155 Angel Number
1211 Angel Number
1221 Angel Number
1233 Angel Number
1234 Angel Number
1244 Angel Number
1313 Angel Number
1414 Angel Number
1515 Angel Number
1616 Angel Number
1717 Angel Number
1818 Angel Number
1919 Angel Number
2121 Angel Number
2323 Angel Number
2424 Angel Number
2525 Angel Number
2727 Angel Number
4141 Angel Number
List of Triple Digit Angel Number Combinations
When different angel numbers stand together their meaning is drawn from the individual numbers in the sequence.
Here’s a list of some common triple digit angel number combinations.
123 Angel Number
818 Angel Number
808 Angel Number
717 Angel Number
911 Angel Number
101 Angel Number
117 Angel Number
121 Angel Number
122 Angel Number
133 Angel Number
144 Angel Number
155 Angel Number
202 Angel Number
211 Angel Number
212 Angel Number
232 Angel Number
233 Angel Number
234 Angel Number
242 Angel Number
244 Angel Number
303 Angel Number
311 Angel Number
313 Angel Number
321 Angel Number
322 Angel Number
323 Angel Number
343 Angel Number
344 Angel Number
345 Angel Number
404 Angel Number
411 Angel Number
414 Angel Number
420 Angel Number
422 Angel Number
424 Angel Number
434 Angel Number
454 Angel Number
505 Angel Number
511 Angel Number
515 Angel Number
606 Angel Number
611 Angel Number
616 Angel Number
626 Angel Number
636 Angel Number
644 Angel Number
646 Angel Number
656 Angel Number
707 Angel Number
711 Angel Number
717 Angel Number
722 Angel Number
727 Angel Number
733 Angel Number
737 Angel Number
744 Angel Number
747 Angel Number
757 Angel Number
811 Angel Number
828 Angel Number
833 Angel Number
838 Angel Number
844 Angel Number
848 Angel Number
858 Angel Number
909 Angel Number
919 Angel Number
922 Angel Number
929 Angel Number
933 Angel Number
939 Angel Number
944 Angel Number
949 Angel Number
My Angel Number Fascination
I’m the Meldrums Mama Bear and angel number aficionado.
My fascination with angel numbers began years ago when I was feeling stuck in my life and my habits and behaviour had become dull and unproductive. You can call it a rut.
I started seeing my angel number that still follows me until this day. It’s a number based on the angel number 1, 111 to be exact.
It was about a year before my husband and I packed up our life and headed out on an adventure that I began seeing the number. I’d always wanted to travel the world and had this feeling in my gut that I just had to do it. I had to follow my intuition and make it happen.
Seeing the number 111 and understanding its meaning was such a huge comfort. For some unexplained reason it made me believe that my intuition was right and I was meant for more than a stale life and mortgage payments. My lost loved ones were guiding me on my way towards a new path. So, we made it happen and hit the road.
Whenever I see my number today it puts a smile on my face and fills me with calm.
I like to believe that it’s a reminder to follow my gut.
Interpreting Angel Numbers
Like with anything spiritual, whether it’s the meaning of dreams or numerology there is no one perfect recipe. The same goes for angel numbers.
The meaning of numbers are interpretations made and shared by spiritual people from different cultures and corners of the world throughout the ages.
Since seeing my very first angel number my interest in the subject has peaked. I’ve studied angel numbers and numerology from different authors and cultures. I currently have more books on the subject than I care to admit, five of which I’ve come to rely on as foundation due to similarities in their in-depth interpretations.
Instead of relying solely on my experience and intuition, or copying what’s already been said on the internet I use these resources to find commonalities in the meaning of angel numbers. Throughout my research I’ve found similarities on the meaning of angel numbers from different authors and resources that I use in my interpretations on the matter.
I truly hope that me sharing my story and writing helps you on your journey to discovering your message from your angels.
I hope you find your message and let it guide you just as I did.
C. Meldrum