Are we there yet?
It’s a question that every parent dreads hearing on a road trip with their kids. While you may have packed games, movies, and other activities to keep them entertained, the snacks can make or break the journey.
Kids can get cranky and bored if they don’t have something to munch on during long drives. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best road trip snacks for kids that are delicious, easy to pack, and will make a good experience in the car. From sweet to savory, we’ve got you covered with snack ideas to make your next family road trip successful.
So buckle up, grab a snack, and hit the road!
Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers
- Fresh fruit: Cut-up pieces of apple, pear, watermelon, and grapes are easy to eat and refreshing.
- Cheese: Cheese sticks, cheese cubes, or sliced cheese are a great source of protein and calcium.
- Veggie sticks: Carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cucumber slices are healthy and easy to eat.
- Crackers: Whole grain crackers or rice cakes can be topped with peanut butter or hummus for added protein.
- Yogurt: Yogurt cups or tubes are a great source of calcium and protein and are enjoyable as road trip snacks for kids.
- Granola bars: Look for bars with natural ingredients and minimal added sugars.
- Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a fun and low-calorie snack that can keep little hands busy.
- Fruit pouches: Single-serving pouches of applesauce or fruit puree are a convenient and mess-free option.
- Hard-boiled eggs: Pre-peeled and ready-to-eat, hard-boiled eggs are a great source of protein and healthy fats.
- Smoothie pouches: Frozen smoothie pouches can be a refreshing and nutritious option if you have a cooler to keep them cold.
- Strawberry banana bread: Delicious and nutritious, a classic loaf with a piece of fruit for a healthy kick
- Pizza Muffins: With pizza taste on a muffin, your toddler will enjoy munching on these fluffy snacks making it a fun road trip snack for kids.
Road Trip Snacks for Kids
- Pretzels
- Triscuits
- Whisp cheese crisps
- Peanut butter balls
- Vegan chocolate truffles
- Parmesan kale chips with garlic
- Cream cheese
- Plum Organics Mighty Snacks Bar
- Dried fruits
- Chicken nuggets
- Diced pancakes
Healthy Road Trip Snack
- Trail mix: Make your trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate chips for a sweet treat.
- Homemade granola bars: Make your granola bars at home using whole grains, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit as mighty road trip snacks for kids.
- Hummus and whole grain crackers: Hummus is an excellent dip for whole grain crackers, providing protein and fiber.
- Peanut butter, whole grain bread, or rice cakes: This classic snack provides protein and healthy fats to satisfy kids.
- Roasted chickpeas: These crunchy snacks go well with spices like paprika or cumin for added flavor.
- Fruit and nut butter wraps: Spread nut butter on a whole grain wrap and add sliced fruit like strawberries or bananas for a healthy and portable snack.
- Jerky: Look for lean protein options like turkey or beef jerky that are low in sodium and free of added sugars.
- Homemade fruit leather: Make your road trip snacks for kids with fruit leather by pureeing fruit and drying it in the oven or dehydrator.
- Baked sweet potato chips: Slice sweet potatoes thinly and bake them in the oven for a crunchy and nutritious snack.
- Edamame: These protein-packed beans can be purchased already steamed and salted for a quick and easy snack.
- Cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls: This tasty, easy-to-prepare snack serves vegetables and protein.
- Frozen fruit cups: Freeze cups of mixed fruit like grapes, blueberries, and strawberries for a refreshing and healthy snack.
- Carrot cake energy balls: These homemade snacks come with shredded carrots, oats, and nut butter sweetened with dates.
- Banana and oat muffins: Bake a batch of muffins made with ripe bananas and oats for healthy and filling road trip snacks for kids.
- Roasted pumpkin seeds: Roast pumpkin seeds with a sprinkle of salt and cinnamon for a crunchy and healthy snack.
- Cucumber slices with hummus: Dip cucumber slices in hummus for a refreshing and healthy snack.
Fun Car Ride Snacks
- Fig Newtons
- Roasted Rye Chips
- Yogurt covered raisins
- Plantain chips
- Gin Gin Ginger Chews
- Gums
- Organic Fruit Tape
- Puppy Chow
- Firecrackers
- Chocolate fudge cubes
Sugar-Free Snacks for Kids
- Sliced cucumbers with tzatziki dip
- Roasted nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews
- Sliced avocado with sea salt and pepper
- Sliced bell peppers with guacamole
- Veggie chips made from thinly sliced zucchini, carrots, or kale baked in the oven.
- Turkey or ham roll-ups with cheese and lettuce
- Baked egg muffins with vegetables and cheese
- Homemade kale chips baked in the oven with olive oil and sea salt
- Sliced jicama with lime juice and chili powder
- Baked apple chips with cinnamon
- Deviled eggs made with Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise
- Roasted seaweed snacks.
- Mini frittatas with vegetables and cheese
- Sliced pear with almond butter and cinnamon
- Tuna salad stuffed in a hollowed-out cucumber or tomato
- Homemade salsa with fresh veggies and whole grain tortilla chips.
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Cooler Snacks for Car Rides
- Pudding cups
- Homemade popsicles – make your own healthy and refreshing popsicles with pureed fruit and juice, and store them in a cooler for fun and delicious road trip snacks for kids.
- Chocolate bites
- Pear
- Frozen yogurt cubes
- Pickle packs
- Babybell Cheese Wheels
- Grapes and blueberries
- String cheese
Mess-Free Road Trip Snack Ideas
Honestly, there is no such thing as a mess free snack. Let’s be honest.
Kids love to tear into their food, throw it around, and clean clothes and non-sticky hands are not a priority for the average kid. Here are a few options though, that don’t leak or stick. Crumbs, however are a different story.
- Bagel chips
- Banana muffins
- Coconut chips
- Chocolate covered almonds
- Tillamook snack cheese
- M&M’s Classic Mix
- Mini Graham Crackers
Kid-Friendly Road Trip Lunch Ideas
- Pizza pasta salad
- Turkey Club Wrap
- Cheese and bacon hash brown muffins
- Mini Chickpea Vegan Frittata Bites
- Quesadillas
- Sushi salad
- Chicken Salad Wraps
And there you have it, a comprehensive list of road trip snacks for kids that will keep your little ones happy and satisfied on your next adventure. Whether you choose healthy snacks like fruits and nuts or classic treats like candy and chips, the key is to have various options that suit every taste bud. Pack enough water and other beverages to keep your kids hydrated throughout the journey.
By planning and packing smart, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable road trip for the whole family.
Enjoy the ride with your little ones.
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Packing up a diverse selection of road trip snacks for kids is wise. Here are a few examples from our guide on Road Trip Snacks of Kids:
Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers
Road Trip Snacks for Kids
Healthy Road Trip Snack
Fun Car Ride Snacks
Sugar-Free Snacks for Kids
Cooler Snacks for Car Rides
Mess-Free Road Trip Snack Ideas
Kid-Friendly Road Trip Lunch Ideas
Here are a few “mess-free” examples from our guide on Road Trip Snacks of Kids:
Bagel chips
Banana muffins
Coconut chips
Chocolate covered almonds
Tillamook snack cheese
M&M’s Classic Mix
Mini Graham Crackers